How to add an image to a page.

Add an image to your page by clicking on the "Insert Image" link above. Click the "Browse" button in the upper right hand corner to select an image from your computer. Locate the image you'd like to upload on your computer. Double click with the left mouse button to upload your image. Once the image is uploaded... double click on the image thumbnail to place it on your page. You can then drag and drop the image to any location on the page.

Please click here for more information.
How to create a new page.

You can create a new page for your site by clicking on the "New Page" link in the toolbar above. Enter the name of the new page into the dialog box that appears. Choose whether to create a blank page or make a copy of an existing page on your site. Click the "Add" button and your page is created. You can navigate to your new page by selecting it from the drop down list in the top left corner of your toolbar.

Please click here for more information.
is located in Magnolia, Seattle, near Fisherman's Terminal.
Renee opened her shop in 1993, and safety and security is her goal.
She enjoys working with street- rodders and custom car owners, as well as
daily driven cars and motorcycles.  The removal of paint over-spray is a specialty, as well as working with custom cars and collections being readied
for a show.
Renee has no employees, and enjoys the process first hand, serving her customer base, by appointment.